Good news about my last medical appointment!

My psychiatrist says that I don’t have Paranoid Schizophrenia.

Refractory I thought I had, but she put in order of prescription as refractory to get the medication costly for free.

She said I have Schizophrenia Residual, which is when it is close to healing.

It’s a type of schizophrenia that tends to improve with time.

I may not need to take any medicine in a few years.

She said I am very stable and that I have insight.
She said I do not have depression, but melancholy

And she prescribed clonazepam for anxiety.



She said that I’m very stable at the moment also.


That’s great Andy, hope it continues to go well for you :slight_smile:


@Minnii ,

Thank you.

I hope that one day we’ll be with a good health and that we all will be stable also.

Jesus bless you all.

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