Good morning. What are you doing today?

We are supposed to have another beautiful day today. I think I’ll go on the bus to get my ex-ray today before the weather turns bad. We’re supposed to have snow in a couple of days. What are you doing today?


I’m going to workout, clean the bathroom, and schedule some appointments


I did a covid test this morning. Had come into contact with an infected person last week. I don’t have symptoms but better safe than sorry.
Other than that, sunny day here. Will do a bit of jogging in the evening.

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Turned 52 today. Yay, I think. Having coffee and about to dig into work (from home, as usual). We’re going to be short-handed all day so it’ll be a stretch. Oh well. Will step away from it at 5 pm and spend a couple of hours exploring town centre with a camera.


im just watching tv right now, but later i have to get my medicaid review in the mail, and get groceries, and maybe mulch my leaves.

it’s supposed to be a glorious day weather wise, will enjoy that while it lasts.


happy bday. 52, you’re getting into your golden years. mom likes to joke 50 years old, marks the years of wisdom.

she says i wont be wise until i turn 50 haha.

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Working on that. Haven’t stuck my finger in a power socket lately, so things may be looking up.


Happy Birthday @shutterbug!!!

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I received my Abilify shot about an hour ago. I’m off work today, so getting my shot was really all I had planned. Idk what I’ll do with myself today.

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I have therapy at 8,

Then I have to find a skilled nursing home for my mother in law.

It’s going to be difficult, but I absolutely have to pull this off.


The unskilled ones are cheaper and you get some schadenfreude out of it as well.

I went for my haircut today at my preferred barber before lockdown resumes in the UK tomorrow

Also, spending time following the US election results as they come in - last night went to sleep at 4am and enjoyed Pizza with my father as we watched the live coverage of the election

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I went for a walk in the forest.


I’m going to get a haircut today at 1pm. Right now I’m watching election returns. I’m in the USA, and it’s about 10am.


That’s beautiful, I’m jealous.

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It started off with lovely weather then I binge ate and now I feel pretty dam awful.

I’m going to have an early sleep today because I feel down.

I’m gonna mope around the apartment today, no real plans other than movies n tea … I feel nauseated

Play COD Modernwarfare so much fun on my new 4k tv, its so awesome im very happy today.

I’m not sure what I’m doing today… doing laundry and picking out clothes to take with me when I go stay at my friends. Probably gonna drop another letter off… only got 5 and a half hours of sleep last night

Really beautiful out today… I washed my hair this morning… have a class soon. Have two papers to start and want to finish the Queens Gambit.