Good Morning! How’s everyone doing?

I just had my morning coffees and a musli bar. I’m waiting to receive packages from IKEA and Lidl.

How’s everyone doing today?

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Morning :dizzy:

IKEA is the best ever.

…Did you get anything exciting?

I’m just laying around until work starts in a few hours.

I work in retail, so it might be hectic today with Christmas right around the corner :woozy_face:.

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I got a tablet holder for my iPad. I need it for a job interview I have via Microsoft teams on Jan 4th.

I hope things don’t get too hectic today for you.


Oh cool, wasn’t aware IKEA carried those.

I bought a computer desk from there back in September— still haven’t built it :upside_down_face:. But my dad is coming over for Christmas, so perhaps he’ll be looking for a small project to keep himself busy as he usually does lol.

Thanks for the kind words, and hope your interview goes well in January— keep us posted :slightly_smiling_face:

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I spent a night in hell. I didn’t sleep at all. I’m going to miss my therapist appointment at twelve noon and get ousted.

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I am losing my ■■■■■■■ mind and about to have an Ativan

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Do you have some meds to help you sleep? I take clozapine for this purpose.

How many hours did you sleep last night? Maybe you can try lying down on your bed and listening to relaxing music.

I took extra zyprexa last night but when I sleep all day nothing puts me to sleep. I paid for it last night. I was in hell.

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I hope that soon you can go from hell to purgatory.

I can’t put into words how I felt and it was about nothing. I just felt cut off and the desperate need to hold someone.

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Do you have a pet?

I had 7 hours but I feel very agitated and combative argumentative crazy and off the hinges with being nuts

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I can’t afford one. I love cats.

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Had a terrible night. My sister got wasted at a works Christmas party. My partner had to pick her up and she was verbally nasty all the way home to him. Saying we shouldn’t have another baby. Saying she never wants kids. Saying my mum shouldn’t be looking after our son (she has him once a week) saying one of us should be working.


I’m sorry you had to deal with that.

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Yeah she apologised this morning. Still I feel quite upset.

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You’re being true to your tagline.

My old girlfriend’s spirit is still in me and she wants a mate. That’s the main way she showed affection. She was unfaithful to me.

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Fine mate. Apart from the earlier visit from the Plod.

Actually slept 13 hours. Got a mate coming round later, when shes crawled outta bed.

Quiet day really - i dont intend going out again till the new year.

Vaping on a Lemon sherbert mix - very nice lol.