Good morning how are you

Morning. 6:20am here. I’ve been up since 5 with qwertle. I’m going back to bed soon for a couple of hours.

What you all up to ? I’m just chillin having a coffee and a vape. Got a new vape the other day and it’s quite a good vape.


Good morning @Qwerty

It’s 220am here in New Jersey

I’m up so late watching the Governor’s election on CNN

It’s a tight race!

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Its 08.33 here
Listening to radio
Going to doctor later

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Morning there.

I love vapes. I just got new juice today. Peach flavor.

I hope you can have an awesome day.

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Morning guys. It’s 9.00 in the morning here

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It is now 3:20 here east coast USA. I’m having coffee but don’t think it’ll wake me up. I may nap today. I had a Big day yesterday going to the doctor to get the booster shot and I never settled down.

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Morning there! Here in China it is afternoon time now. I just came back from the post office as I sent out Christmas cards there. Due to Covid-19, the post services between countries could be very slow and delaying, so I sent them out much earlier this year.


Feeling uncharacteristically fine this morning. I’m in the waiting room of my PCP, getting a Pre-op screening for my hip replacement. Should be fun!


Well at least you have a good attitude about it. Most people wouldn’t with needing a surgery like that. Good luck!!!


Hope it goes well.

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My grandmother got hip replacement surgery, it was successful. But she later died in her 80s from kidney failure, she smoked lots of cigarettes daily. Good luck with your surgery.

it is like 8 here, the new cod comes out this friday :slight_smile:

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I am going to buy it on launch day.

Good morning! It’s 8:40 AM, here. I need to take a shower, get ready for the day, take my pills, make coffee, and then I need to head out to an allergy shots appointment!

I’m good. I just made some more coffee. I have a day off today from my mental health groups so I’m just going to stay in and watch TV for the rest of the day

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