Just watching a hacker movie, not bad not that great pretty good though, its almost finish. Just finish my breakfast, had brown rice with olive oil, cup coffee, zero calorie calorie drink with non stim powder metabolism endurance booster for my workout today so i have energy for the workout, also i took my morning meds and my vitamins and supplements, hows is everybodys day going, i hope you guys are have nice morning, enjoy your rest of your sunday.
Good morning! Sounds like you’ve got a good day set up. I just finished my breakfast, had my meds and vitamins too, drinking the rest of my green tea. Going to hit the treadmill later this morning then maybe go visit my parents. Have a great day!
just waking up coffee and smokes.
what do you do for a workout.
Lol dude has his life together
sorry daze for the late reply, i forgot im a new user, so i only limited amounts of replys i had to wait 4 hours to replay again i dont why the system is like that, weird seriously 4 hours thats really long time. dont understand why system is created that way for new users you should aloud to reply as normal users doesn’t make sense, other forums new users have same ability as veteran user whatever i dont care though, i did mean to ignore your comment sorry, yes i did my back muscles today, omg it was tough though but i got thru it. i hope you having a good day
Appreciate it thanks, yea im trying my best
Good morning…or more accurately for me…Good afternoon now.
Good morning.
Very cool that you have your day planned.
I hope you have a good one!
Yea im trying to get as big as possible, i want to become a BEAST lol im being serious no joke, so im eating big nutrient dense meals. lol
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