Good life possible or not

I’m studying towards getting a job. I don’t have a job or partner but I’m working on the job part.

I don’t think I’m living a good life but doing a lot better than before in terms of stability. Everyone’s definition of a good life is based on individual thinking which could be very different however, through the ups and down I have grown a lot. I’ve developed discipline with excercising, eating and maintaining my finances but the things I was pursuing before and effortlessly doing I can’t anymore so the potential to do something with my life is gone.

I believe the concept of living a good life for the majority is based of what you see on social media, tv etc as to how the rich and famous live there lives. It’s very misconstrued and deceptive. I realized this that everyone has problems and demons they are dealing with even people that are living good lives.

The best thing I can say is that do your best as much as you can and work on the small things first before you tackle the big things. This illness is very difficult and scary at times to deal with but most of us deal with it anyway because we don’t have a choice. I believe I was living a very good life before my diagnosis, was traveling, going to school, pursuing my hobbies, working without any worries and most of all working towards a good and bright future until I got derailed. So I would have considered that a good life in my opinion.

I realized that it’s better to not compare yourself to other people because it will only bring you down and to just focus on your life and work on maintaining stability.

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