Good Christmas presents for anyone?

I thought that a thread where we suggest Christmas presents that would be good for anyone might be a good idea. It might help each other in selecting gifts for family and friends. I personally am up for buying a few more if I can get some good ideas.

Any suggestions for some good Christmas gifts that anyone would enjoy?

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Most people like chocolate.

I’m getting my nieces and nephew candy from a dedicated candy store north of me. The place is huge.

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Thanks @ThePickinSkunk

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I would be a big fan if someone felt indulgent and got me a gift certificate for a massage. Even if I have the extra money, I either don’t think of it, or save it instead, and I would love to get one. It’s lovely being pampered. Some friends of mine, we would all chip in for each others’ birthdays, and buy the birthday person a massage from this one therapist.

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Thanks @Pandy

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A puppy! :dog:
But not for me I’m a cat person

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Also, I think a subscription to next year’s Miami Ballet season would be lovely.

But that’s just a personal wish. :smiley:

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I got my mom and stepdad tickets to see Kenny G in concert.


Nice gift!



ThermoPro TM02 Digital Kitchen Timer available from for about $12. It is very simple to use. I has a magnetic back so you can put it on your refrigerator if you want. I has hours, minutes, and seconds. It has two different screens on it, so you can set the timer for two different things at the same time. The alarm has volume settings.

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Thanks @Pandy! I hope they love it


I’ll bet they will. Tickets for a show = really thoughtful gift.

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