Gone are the days lol


The only times I went without taking pictures was when I had no money (the expense of film sucked, I don’t miss it). I’m dead inside without my cameras.

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Oh gawd ! That’s so true.

Still the 80s were the best ! :tada:

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Does anyone remember the 1970’s when a calculator was a slide rule?


I think I manged to get my parents to buy me an actual calculator in 1978-ish. It was like having a home computer as far as I was concerned.


We would see how many words you could make by turning the calculator upside down Lol

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I had a swinger? Polaroid camera. Took a lot of pictures.

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Funny. One of my friends daughters actually asked that of my friend. Dad…what was the internet like when you were a kid! Amazing what we’ve seen develop in the western world.


Ah, yes.


Good times.

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The birth of the internet is probably the biggest leap forward for society in the last two thousand years, perhaps surpassed only by the advent of electricity. We’re all remarkably fortunate to be alive to witness it. Unfortunately it has turned all kids into phone zombies, but I think that will ease up with time. I just worry about cyber bullying. I was bullied but not online. I just got shoved around a few times. I think girls hurt each other worse in school these days just by posting sensitive stuff.


i was born in the 80s,missed out on the 70s.lots of smoking pot,and Vietnam war,thats all i know about the 70s.


we had huge computers in the 90s,now that power of technology fits in your pocket,actually way more advanced.


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