Going work tomorrow

I feeling sick and have been in my bed most of yesterday and today… I’m not looking forward to it … so scared

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Try and be calm @anon80629714 it’s a big step going back to work, but it’s worth it for the distraction it brings to your life.

Work is a healthy routine


My colleague messages to say she’s looking forward to me being back… I’m sure it’s not going to be that bad


Once you get focus on what you need to do I am sure you’ll be fine.

I hope your ok and it goes well tomorrow

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Its probably a lot worse in your head than it is actually going to be.

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A little fear is normal. But not too much. That lady went out of her way to be nice, she didn’t have to do that. That should quell your fears a little. Why do you worry so much about co-workers? You seem very nice and likable and I think co-workers think the same thing. You don’t sound like you pick on people or treat anyone mean or cause trouble, co-workers probably like having you around. Your only crime is self-doubt and being too hard on yourself.

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Good luck @anon80629714. Just go in and try not to worry. I’m sure people will be cool so just relax and do your thing.

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When I think of work in these times I think of unnecessary money being earned I mean the gov already supports you for staying at home so why work.

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The money I get is not to support me to stay home…its to support me looking for work and will only get it for 6 months

Good luck @anon80629714
It will go well I’m sure.

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How was your day at work @anon80629714?


How was your day at work? Did you settle back into the routine once you were there for a bit?

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I was only there 4 hours. Manager said I should be careful what I say. I agree. I’ve already told myself this a gazlion times i know i was wrong to act on my paranoia… but it wasn’t too bad just so tired


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