I just woke up, and I have to go to group therapy this morning. I’m feeling run-down, and my arthritis is really hurting. I’m going to skip the bus and take Uber.
Uber makes me laugh.
Your whole life you are taught not to talk to strangers, and now we think nothing about hopping in a car with a stranger who could be taking us anywhere he pleases.
Well, I decided to take the bus and save my money. It’s free today to ride the bus I found out.
I’m sorry. I hope as you’re awake and moving your arthritis calms down a bit
Sorry about your arthritis, hope group goes good
How did the group therapy go?
Sorry to hear about the arthritis
It went fine. I found out from my psychiatric care provider I’m still under the indigent contract paying for my care, and I can switch to a Medicare Advantage plan if I want. I ended up taking Uber home. The bus is free today because of the election.
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