Going thru a lot

It seems like every evening i go thru a panic/anxiety attack either that or an allergic reaction
this occurs even right after taking my meds
Can my meds be causing this? I take clozaril and busbar

I can tell you I take xanax everyday along with Mellaril and I am stable. But I think the amitriptyline hcl has helped the most.

When you say you are stable, does that mean you are without symtoms

Thanks Mechanical and clicks, am trying to deal with my panic attacks/anxiety attacks but don’t think my medication is helping me, and i don’t know what causes them if it is an allergic reaction to something i am taking or brought upon anxious thoughts and physically not being able to swallow.

I generally wouldn’t think those med’s would cause that, but anything can happen. Most people experience a heavy sedating effect from those med’s, but different med’s can effect people differently. See if you can work with your doctor to see if you can find med’s that suit you better.

The Clozaril i have been taking for a while while the busbar i just got on it. Supposed to replace my Temazapam and a prn Lorazapam.