This week I am supposed to be on vacation in the algarve and I am, but I warned my wife I might not stay the whole week. I’m at my in-laws and it’s non stop stress from dogs barking, construction work (jack hammering) across the street and and my mother in law crying out cookoo to my son for 15 min straight. There’s other stuff and I just can’t relax. I don’t want to go home just to be alone but there’s a train at 2:15 tomorrow I think I’m going to catch. I just feel like a fish that jumped out of the bowl
Give it time. I’m sure the stress will subside at SOME point and you will be able to relax. Your in the algarve after all, I’d love to be over there right now.
Decided to stay one more day
Algarve is a nice area, if you mean the area in Portugal, I was there in 1998 and I thought it was nice.
Yep that’s the place. Had a good morning touring around but I’m on the train headed home. Going to have 3 days alone which will probably be good for me.
Overall the trip turned out nice but More could turn into too much
How hot is it over there now? Id imagine it is unbearable
Not that hot at all about 74 F 23c
Genie Mac that’s nothing. Sure it’s 25c here
Found a nice place to live while touring around, that was one of my main goals. They speak English and there’s a nice town. Houses are pricy but I might be able to manage something in a year or so
Cool. 1515551551
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