Going back down on my AP

I just saw my psychiatrist and I told her that my mania is under control and I told her that I’m gaining weight on 5mg of Risperdal and I’m having a hard time controlling my enormous appetite.

She decided on lowering my Risperdal dose very slowly and gradually back down to 4mg.

I start reducing my dose to 4.5 mg after Thanksgiving.
I’ll remain in 4.5mg for 2 weeks and then go down to 4mg.

She said that if I start showing signs of mania then go back up to 5mg.

Hopefully the change will be smooth.


Best of luck to you!

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i hope for you too. judy

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Thanks @LilyoftheValley and @ifeelblessed


I hope for the best for you… They took me off my AP completely and I’ve lost 10 lbs!.. I’m about to post about why they pulled me off my AP


Thanks @Twialine and best of luck!

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@Wave no problem, thanks

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i hope the med change will be good for you!

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Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers: for you!

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Thanks @lekkerhondje and @anon2818416


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