What are your goals for the future?
Mine is to make a full recovery from schizophrenia. Get married, have children, own a house and be a nurse.
I feel ok at the moment and have applied for nursing degree.
What are your goals for the future?
Mine is to make a full recovery from schizophrenia. Get married, have children, own a house and be a nurse.
I feel ok at the moment and have applied for nursing degree.
Goals are so important
My goal is to be there for it.
For what? Fgggfgh
What’s ur goals?
My goals are to go 5 years without hospitalization. So far I’m at a year and a half! I’d also like to get my positive symptoms under control to the point that I’m not so easily destroyed by minor stress. And I’d like to buy a house.
I am going to lose 80 pounds this year. I am going to get into therapy and process my divorce and work on my anxiety. I am going to go back to work as an Eligibility Specialist for the county. I am going to buy a new car as soon as I start working. I am going to pay off my debt this year whether or not I go back to work.
Awesome goals @Lowri
My goals are to go back to school to become a dental hygienist, move to South Carolina on my own and get back into horseback riding.
As far as my mental health I would like to learn to manage my symptoms as best as I can with as little medication as possible.
Do you want children. Are you male or female? Sounds like good goals.
Yeah I’d like to lose weight to.
I tried coming off meds a few months ago and relapsed. Good luck coming off meds.
Horseback riding sounds good.
I already raised my kids, I have 2 grandbabies now, a 3 month old and a 2 year old. I’m a 52 year old grandmother. I might not reach my goals, but I set them so I have my mind focused on a future. For many years I was to depressed to even plan for the future. I won’t be upset if I don’t reach my goals. I’ll just do my best and get as close as I can.
To Become The Greatest Artist in The Universe.
The Universe.
There I Said it… . …
Did you have periods of being ill when you were raising your children?
Yes, many times. There were years I barely got out of bed.
Did you have a supportive husband? Did you have negatives as well as positives?
Yes, I had a good husband for part of the time, for part of the time I was on my own. I suffered both positive and negative symptoms. I have sza bipolar type. The bipolar has always been the harder to deal with and stabilize. My psychosis is fairly mild usually.
How do u find negatives? Do you still have them?
I have a lack of motivation. and I find it hard to find pleasure or joy in life. But it’s not as bad as it once was.