Global Warming

Global warming was first theorized when scientists examined Venus which was hotter than they expected it to be and had an atmosphere full of CO2. The theory will never be 100% proven until it is too late because the age of the Earth is much longer than the Global measurement of the temperature. In fact the satellite readings of the Earth’s temperatures are less than 40 years old while the Earth is either billions (scientific community’s theory) or unless you believe the creationists several thousand years old. The ground based temps are a few centuries old with large parts of the Earth less than a century old. In any case the Earth has been around a lot longer than humanity’s ability to measure its temperature. There’s no doubt it’s been warming lately even though most people take it more seriously when the media centers like New York which has been cooler than normal in recent years are blazing hot instead. If New York reaches 105 next Summer Global Warming stories will be everywhere. If it barely reaches 90 one or two days you won’t hear much about it. One thing that makes things confusing is that the Earth heats unevenly and patterns change from year to year. So the big producers of CO2 can always increase their output because it snowed in South Africa this winter, or the Sahara Desert got a dusting which occasionally happens. The dependence of the modern World on foreign oil is incredible and a lot of things other than transportation depend on petroleum. So it’s likely Global Warming if it exists will end when the oil supply runs out. For an idea of how the weather would be like if the Earth continued to warm look at the areas of the planet near the Equator. For the most part it is made up of deserts and rain forests and most areas get too much or too little rain. It’s also hard to grow crops there too. So our hope may lie either in Canada and the Arctic regions having bumper crops or the Global Warming theory being incorrect.

Coal is the major culprit in global warming. We have enough of that to last a couple hundred years.

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