Glitch in the matrix?

I agree with that… Synchronicity is a good general explanation without giving any assumption. there are many theories as to the actual cause of the events…the events do in fact happen. 11;11 especially has been going on for over 10 years. I personally could not tell you WHAT exactly is the cause, only that it happens and often coincides with people I know or a specific timing.

Some say its purely spirit, others say it is something in tune with the earth… some say its human brain energy in an unseen matrix, like a hive mind of collective unconscience… It’s not simply an electrical field because it not only appears on electrical devices, I have seen trucks drive by me right after seeing 11;11 on the clock and the truck will have 1111 painted on its side, or i will go fishing that day and catch 11 fish…so its something more than electrical. things. On specific dates that are 11 also wouldn’t be dealing with electrical devices, like when i moved on 1/11 from the 11th floor of the building that’s windows form 11;11 at the top 2 floors mentioned in a previous post

Google “1111 not coincidence” and see the sheer volume of reports about this. they are not all coming from delusional people or SZ people at all. It is something that is actually taking place. the cause is the mystery…

Another event is 9/11 and the twin towers form an 11 and one of the planes was flight 11 that had a crew of 11.

Note in the wikipedia screenshot how the 11s are, and also note sept 11 81 pasengers and 11 crew…81 is 9 x 9 which combined in that sentence says 9-11 twice…


I’m up for the mind hive theory. It seems to be all around the most well founded. Though I’m sure it could actually be a combination of multiple things. I’m wondering if, for example for items and events… energies can cause items to line up in physical form, possibly even that from further dimensions. Since the higher the dimension, the higher the vibrational energy… it would have to manifest in the most basic form.
But the mind hive theory could also cause items and events to line up as well. It seems to be the best fit.

Is this more prominent in america?

It’s not hive mind like the Borg on Star Trek where they are all hard wired in and do things in unison. Its like Jungs Collective Unconscious and Synchronicity

“there exists a second psychic system of a collective, universal, and impersonal nature which is identical in all individuals. This collective unconscious does not develop individually but is inherited. It consists of pre-existent forms, the archetypes, which can only become conscious secondarily and which give definite form to certain psychic contents.”

"Synchronicity is the experience of two or more events as meaningfully related, where they are unlikely to be causally related. The subject sees it as a meaningful coincidence. The concept of synchronicity was first described by Carl Jung, a Swiss psychologist, in the 1920s.[1]

The concept does not question, or compete with, the notion of causality (however critics state that the causality, statistics and probability theorems, is enough for explaining cases of “synchronicity”[2], which are in fact “normal events of low probability”[3]). It maintains that just as events may be connected by a causal line, they may also be connected by meaning. A grouping of events by meaning need not have an explanation in terms of a concrete sense of cause and effect."

Jung of course was a Psychiatrist and had some revolutionary ideas, even today.

I was not aware “coordinating with others in an attempt to prove these false beliefs are true.” was against the rules (even so, you can prove it as false just as much as we can prove it true). I was wondering if there is some secret rulebook we should be following? All we are doing in this thread is “Discussing Unusual Beliefs.”

If it was a clear cut case of being against the rules, then I’d have just deleted this thread. As it stands, you’re riding close to the edge. Remember what this forum is about.

It’s not really hard to figure out.

If you think that the Unusual Beliefs category is a section devoted to reinforcing false beliefs then I think you misunderstand. As mentioned above, this site is about support and helping others get back to reality.

Again, not “false beliefs”. I could just as well say your god doesn’t exist (assuming you’re religious. If you aren’t, then I’d say only you exist, nobody else, since it’s impossible to prove otherwise.) It’s basically the same thing right? So by saying what we’re talking about is untrue it’s invalidating every known religion that hinges on ‘unseen forces’.

On another note, the Original Poster of this thread seemed genuinely interested in what we all had to say about this. How is that not helping? (See what I did there? Now you can’t respond with " …but it’s untrue so it’s not helping them…" for reasons I stated above this paragraph.)