…teach a man to fish and the bas*tard will deplete the oceans in nothing flat".
77nick77 circa 2016.
…teach a man to fish and the bas*tard will deplete the oceans in nothing flat".
77nick77 circa 2016.
Oh the Japanese and their sushi industry. How I wish it could go on forever.
Not all, I used to go fishing just to ly in the sun, could care less if I caught anything
lol don’t need to fish. pollution is already depleting the oceans for us.
but I guess it’s okay because some say that men were made to have dominance over all the wild creatures of the earth.
I think the bible says that doesn’t it?
I think Tubalcain said it in that Noah movie, but he was the villain so I don’t know how you would interpret that.
It says it in the bible…they gave the line to the bad guy in the Noah movie…because the original story of “Noah”…yes this is a stolen a story…their culture wanted to keep balance between man and nature…so “Noah” didn’t save all the animals to be our slaves…he did it because it was the right thing to do…the culture that adapted this story had a diff mindset and now we are where we are today…that and over population…also the movie Noah is not a good interpretation of the flood story from either stand point…they took a lot of liberties…added in fallen…rock angels…or demons because they had already fell from grace…idk…I don’t recall any demons regaining their god love by defending Noah from an army of cannibals…
I think that modern medicine’s philosophy is based somewhat on the Christian ethos, that the human body is nothing but a dumb piece of clay that has no intelligence and wisdom of its own. In this view health is something that has to be inflicted on the body solely using drugs.
My own view is that drugs are necessary, but can be aided using brain training and diet etc.
I don’t like modern medicines stand point on sz…the brain is just an organ like the heart and can be treated as such…yes the brain is an organ…but the brain is infinitely more complex… in charge of all other organs…is self aware ect…where as the heart has 1 function that its not actually in control of…so yea I agree the brain can be manipulated and treated like an organ to an extent…but requires more and maybe a completely diff way of treating it…but as you said their stuck in their ways…
Or you can give him five fish two loaves of bread in a basket and then teach him to bless it. Works every time.