Getting strong

I tried lifting some furniture the other day, and I couldn’t do it! Now, I used to be totally strong and throw people into the air with one hand. I’m going to get back to that point.

Today I did some core workouts, just to gauge where I am. I could only do ten push-ups! And like fifteen crunches! I’ve been doing loads of hiking and cardio, but I really want to get back my upper body strength.

Workout gurus, how does one get swole without buying equipment? What exercises can I do? I used to go to the gym and do lifting, but we can’t afford a membership right now.

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My husband says to start planking. All you need is the floor. There are many different planking exercises. Check YouTube for beginners planking. He says it’s better for you than sit ups.

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Are you on Medicare? Most advantage plans offer a free gym membership.

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These will workout your entire upper body while increasing your pushup max quickly…


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No, I have private insurance through work. They offer a 25% discount, but we need to save our dollars for the kids now.


These are great for your stomach and back, plus flexibility…

For upper body push ups, spiderman push ups, pull ups and incline push ups are the best bodyweight exercises.

Cant think of much besides push ups and pull ups that doesnt involve actual weights lol

Update: five weeks of carrying 40 lbs of children everywhere has made me pretty jacked! I’m going to the local trans gym tomorrow to start weightlifting so I can keep this up. The personal trainers there are all super awesome, and they will help me get strong enough to pick up my friend and carry her around.

That’s awesome you want to get stronger :slight_smile:

Doing Pilates and Yoga has helped me a lot with back pain. I did Yoga for around two months and I recovered some of my flexibility. Then, with Pilates, I recovered some flexibility, core strength and arms and legs strength.

Some of the exercises I would recommend doing at home are planks, stretching and push-ups (they are safer exercises, but anyway I would ask the personal trainer how to do them). In order to work legs strength, I go running or just walk outside.

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