I am starting to get myself in a bit of a state.
Stupidly I tried to drop down on the benzos quicker than the pdoc said and I feel so rough
They told me the Pregabalin would take the Diazepams place, but it sure as hell doesn’t seem to be
On top of that I am facing a guaranteed med change, as my prolactin I am not happy about
Not sure I have the energy right now to deal with all this
My psychologist is leaving and I will have no one to talk to
the case manager seems useless as he is shielding from the virus and I have had no proper contact with him for weeks now.
I quit my job back in March this year, and started Landscaping. I now am on my last project, and I have no where to go next
It pains me financially as I have spent hundreds on marketing to try and get work, and the waiting is killing me. I need more certainty.
I am due to go on holiday next week with my parents, and it feels like I am going to ruin it for them being like this.
Please don’t post anything about suicide hotlines, as they will just send ambulances or police cars round like before
Not sure what to do about all this. I am trying to keep calm but naturally this is all a bit much for me to deal with
I was supposed to have this conversation with the therapist today, but it was too much so we just went for a walk instead as I really couldn’t go into all this.
Even so, I was close to coming out to my parents some time soon, until last night when I was round their house and my step dad started being homophobic about the weather man on the TV, which has closed that door right in my face
This is a ■■■■■■■ mess and I don’t even know where to start.
TLDR? Sorry