Getting bloodwork done from home

I called my family doctors office today to see about going there to get my blood tested.
They said that they are no longer open for business as usual thanks to a rise in Covid cases in my State.

The nurse said that they could send a phlebotomist over to my house to drawl my blood instead!

This is awesome news!

I guess that doctors offices in my area are providing this service to their patients because of Covid.

Never heard of this before but so grateful.


That’s awesome! I’m so glad they’re doing that for you. The numbers in Michigan are really bad, but yet the dr offices are still open. It’s a little nerve wracking going there

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Yeah it’s really bad here in Jersey.
We are headed for a lockdown.

Thanks @Pianogal

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Glad you can still access services. We don’t have to wear masks at the doctors surgery anymore. Sorry you peeps are still at ground zero.

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Yeah thanks @rogueone

That’s really great. I wish they would do that in my city.

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