IMO psychiatrists or psychologist only help little. Friends or family only help some. Truely getting better, improving well being and life, mental wellness is all still 90% only how the person can help themself.
I agree.
They agree with this at my Recovery College that I used to attend in England too.
And that is part of the NHS.
It takes a lot of personal effort to manage one’s condition, from my experience
Even for neurotypical they have to figure ■■■■ out in their own.
Why would it be any different for us?
I’m not saying I completely disagree. But I’ve tried and tried and tried and still, progressively getting worse.
That’s why you need to stay on meds
Getting worse despite med compliance.
What’s the point
Yeah, I have to say that working meds play a huge role in whether or not we get better. I’m not completely disagreeing with OP but meds play a HUGE role in my mind.
If you think so. Im not here to argue, just to say my opinion.
No one can say for certain how much is on the individual though really. What works for one person doesn’t for the next.
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