Drs upped my meds.
and the sad thing is they think its because of my mental health it was just because I was being a royal f-wit to them because in a moment I was having a bad day just like everyone else and let it out so they upped my meds 50mg.
so i’m like fine, i’ll take it anyway but it still kinda pissed me off because I was fine but i guess thats the problem with drs… makes me question them actually.
over a month on the upped dosage and now everything is even clearer and calmer surprisingly but my mind feels more turned off and like i give less of a f but at the same time I’m having a lot of forced memories - i’m constantly sitting there and having memories and conversations I had with people that I completely forgot about many years ago and it’s really starting to piss me off some are good some are bad - i’m more a bit iffy at myself for how I was back than without even realizing it but at the same time it’s really enlightening. But it’s starting to negatively effect me and annoy me and make me a bit sad. I didn’t have these before upped meds idk what it is before hand for many years my memory was crap I couldn’t remember anything and I’m still sort of like that it’s almost like hidden memories my mind stored away are seeping back into my life! fu#k its annoying. anyone have this issue or is it just normal?