Ahhh The days of early internet and me hogging the phone line on world of Warcraft and annoying Christian’s in chat rooms.
Nobody could get through for hours.
Ahhh The days of early internet and me hogging the phone line on world of Warcraft and annoying Christian’s in chat rooms.
Nobody could get through for hours.
For me it was playing diablo over 28.8kbs modem.
Yeah, I remember those days. I don’t miss them
Was a kid at the time, so the most I remember is the helicopter noise of the landline dialing in.
So was the internet a lot more fun, back when it was just begining and non-corporate in nature?
I remember doom 2, howitzer, Wolfenstein and Hugo back in the windows 3.1 dos prompt
Yeah those were the days
Oh yeah, jazz jackrabbit was the coolest back then
Lol gone are the days when my brother leaves a sign on the computer for 8 hours saying “Dont touch,doing an instance on world of warcraft.”
I remember when my sister’s friend would call when I was dialed up and boot me offline. I’d get so mad. 16 year old kid trying to get AP courses done and papers written in time.
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