I took brand name quetiapine as Seroquel for 6 months. 400mg at night. I am now taking generic quetiapine.
I’m on 300mg at night. 100mg at 7pm, 100mg at 8pm and 100mg at 9pm. Anyway I find the brand name to be harsher and more likely to cause akathisia. The price is actually the same though for some reason. I also get a discount.
I’ve been on a generic abilify for 1 year. I like it pretty well. Abilify used to be really expensive here, even the generic version. So I would hate to see what the brand name one cost. This year so far, it has cost a lot less.
I have heard some brand name work a little different than the generics. Some work better, others not as well. There should not be a difference though, but, unfortunately, for us this isn’t always the case. Glad you are on the generic since it seems to help you more.
I have taken both generic and brand name medication and both work equally well, the only stuff that I have ran into trouble with was meds I have ordered overseas such as from India or Pakistan, most of them have a weaker effect or don’t work at all, there is no telling what they put in that stuff!
From my experiences with both the brand name Seroquel and generic quetiapine, I think the brand name Seroquel is more potent and has more side effects as well. I’m going to keep on taking the generic. Thank you for your input.