Gave up coffee

I gave up coffee and Mountain Zevia (it’s like Mountain Dew but with no calories or sugar/carbs. It’s sweetened with stevia leaf extract.)

I really miss coffee and Mountain Zevia, but I don’t NEED them like I did before. I craved the caffeine (and the flavor) and needed them to get through the day.

But now, being off heavy caffeine for a few weeks now, I feel great! I am content with green teas and herbal teas now. :blush::tea:


I gave up coffee too. My anxiety went way down.


Maybe I should quit too. I don’t know if I can. Coffee goes with AA meetings.


I have a Monster everyday. Sometimes two. Keeps me alert and tastes great. Doesn’t disturb my sleep at night either.

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Coffee doesnt bother me unless I drink more than 1 cup/day and unless I drink that cup after 12pm.

I recently went down from four coffee a day to just one a day and I have been craving coffee something horrid.

Well done!


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