I probably played the game for atleast 2-3,000 hours from grades 5-8. I ended up at level 49 and whipped some butt online.
Everything from the soundtrack (which is still listen to) to the storyline to the vehicles/weapons are tattooed in my memory permanently. I’ve had dreams where i walk around entire maps!
I’m kind of gamer-homeless at the moment. I finally got sick of WoW, didn’t think it would ever happen but it finally did, been playing since Burning Crusade. Now I’m not sure what to do with myself when I’m bored. Tried dabbling in SWTOR and enjoy it in short bursts.
To be honest lately what I’ve been playing the most is Bejeweled lol.
I have to chime-in just out of curiosity. My son plays Eve and Masters of Orion. Anyone else? They both seem like amazing games. Eve is especially impressive.
Oh my Lord…that and kingdom hearts. After jak 3 my heart felt different. Btw wassup with that blue star in the sky…planet x…nibiru. this wouldn’t be the first or tenth time the future was predicted through media.
Okay. I don’t remember the name of this one, but this was all we did in the second hour of History gifted class in 8th grade. It was a Star Wars 1st person shooter game with all the characters in the 90’s. I remember me and my friends howling with laughter at the positions that they could move and especially die in (remember, gifted kids).
Currently playing nioh the demo…its like dark souls and ninja gaiden had a baby…if you have a ps4 pick it up and be ready to die…over and over…and over…
The company of heroes games are my favorite. My best memories of video games is playing world of warcraft with my school mates. I used to love ganking the low level players. I was a level 60 warlock killing level 20 players Lol. I made stonetalon mountains my b$tch