Gamers, what can you recommend

I love sims 4,
I loved Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning,
I also enjoyed MMORPG like Archeage
I enjoyed horror games like Outlast, resident evil revelations (uff what a scary one)
Ohh, I loved “Life is strange”. probably my fav story game

what can you recommend?
Simply, your favourite game?


Noughts and crosses and Patience on the pc are marvellous… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :smiley:


Dying Light 1 + 2. Awesome in 4k.

Keep your eye out on Epic Games, Dying light Enhanced Edition is being given away soon.

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:smiley: haha
Actually I swear I googled it :smiley: Noutghts and crosses are still best in real life ^^ good memories


Did you played outlast?
I remember all my friends were really scared, and I was the only one who acted really cool and played the whole game.
Even though some moments I was near panic attack :DD

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Yeah ive got Outlast 1+2. Its a Great game. I go a bit mad on payday so got others to play at the moment.

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Very good game indeed,
it’s nominated (I believe till now) as the scarriest horror game ever…

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I really like Final Fantasy 14 it’s a very story centered MMORPG and I’m pretty sure it currently has a free trial.

If you’re looking for horror the mortuary assistant is decent

Lately I’ve been enjoying this rhythm game HiFi Rush

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Metroid prime - nintendo

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Stardew valley 15151515


I was playing this game and loved it

It’s from the creators of the sims, Maxis

I played this one a lot too

It used to be only for ps4 but now there’s a pc version.

Any of these Far Cry games are pretty good too, I used to be a beast on these.

As far as my favorite game ever pokemon leaf green takes the cake. You don’t need much to play it on your pc and can find the roms on the web.


If you like horror I highly recommend the Dead Space series. It’s a bit dated now but still scary. I haven’t played the remastered version of Dead Space 1 yet so I don’t know if it’s good or not. All of the Resident Evil remakes + Resident Evil 7 and 8 are also good.

My favorite games are the Pokemon series and the DOOM series.


This one was too cryptic for my tiny brain. But I loved the plot.


Final Fantasy 14! Very customizable and fun, if you like to grind :smiley:


Bioshock 1,2,3
Deadspace 1,2,3
Mass Effect 1,2,3

Half Life 1 & 2


doom, 64, 3, eternal all scratch my itch for some explosions and gory shooting where action is the main and story is just supplemental.

also dark souls even having some amazing lore is really fun but too difficult to be my favorite


Spore was fun up until the RTS stage.

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Sorry i’m not familiar with this term, is it the stage where they get futiristic tech? And tbh I didn’t get that far I made like two creatures but didn’t save the file for the first one.


RTS means Real Time Strategy. It’s the part where you conquer cities and create a vehicle. It’s the second to last stage. The stage right before the intergalactic stage.


My gf has been playing hogwarts legacy nonstop. Id highly recommend it if you happen to be a big harry potter fan.

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