Has anyone heard of gabapentin for the treatment of akathisia? It said online that it can help with that. I’m prescribed benztropine but don’t take it cause it’s unbearable. I’d be open to trying gabapentin. right now the only med I take is my antipsychotic.
I never took gabapentin directly for akathisia (I took it for anxiety). But it really helped my akathisia
I’m gonna talk to my doctor about that next time I see her. I might just try to schedule an early appointment. Though my last one was early.
I had akathisia and it was bad. I got off latuda which caused it in me. I no longer have it. I only take 10 mg zyprexa and 10 mg Lexapro.
My perphenazine causes It. It’s been bearable for a long time, but would like something for it. I don’t want to quit my perphenazine. Especially since I’ve taken other meds and the akathisia on those was even worse.
Gabapentin seems to be a bit of a catch-all prescription for anything related to the nervous system. I’ve been prescribed it multiple times at dofferent points for different reasons. It did help with all of those reasons.
I take a 1000mg a day of Gabapentin and it really helps, no restlessness at all and Im on 2 antipsychotics. It also helps with anxiety.
I take perphenazine too. I take effexor and benztropine for side effects. I don’t want to go off perphenazine either. Are you feeling a bit of trouble with perphenazine??
No it works great. Been having trouble with motivation on it, but changed sone things and been doing better. Kinda want something for akathisia.