G20 leaders have formally endorsed a 15 percent global corporate minimum tax


Good or bad for masses, whole and classes?? Me no comprende.

That’s really good. I’ve always advocated for the lowest corporate tax in the world. If you can get leaders to agree on a minimum that’s even better.

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I hope you’re right!! I guess a broken clock is right twice a day, if so :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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At the end of the day does it really matter if any clock is write twice a day? In this situation and time.:thinking:

Anyway the jets are my third favorite team. I want to see Zach Wilson do good. Jets jets jets!

It’s not just low taxes that attract multinational corporations, things such as low corruption and stable energy supplies, an educated young workforce etc etc.

I’m from Ireland which is a low corporation tax country. The new agreement might be bad for Ireland and it might not, it depends.

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Why does it matter if a corporation sees low corruption?

If basic needs are met which is the case with competitors tax is generally enough for most corps. I’d say education at some level but in most corps the majority of workers are low wage. That’s why China attracts a lot of corps.

I prefer to have a naive outlook on life. To me a bit of naivety acts as a cushion between me and the hard rockface of life, it keeps my stress levels down. My boss in work was a hardbitten cynic and he died at age 49 from a stroke.

‘We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars’.

Yours Truely,
Mr Space Cadet

I’ve been thinking about something Nick said a lot. He used on the often quoted phrase a realist is a cynic or something like that. I have to disagree with that.That’s something a cynic would say. As much as I think he is one of the funniest guys ever. He literally never misses on his jokes.:joy: Didn’t miss on that one either. :joy::joy::joy:

The following statement is counterintuitive and paradoxical. Maybe the naive person is on a different level seeing more of the truth. :joy::joy::joy: Probably not. :joy::joy::joy: it’s hard to be this stupid. :joy::joy::joy:

The minimum corporation tax might drive good prices up to maximize their gross profit margin to earn more money to make up for lost tax. It make certain tax haven like Singapore less attractive to businesses as well