Fusion energy

I remember when I was in high school during the late seventies they were hailing a “breakthrough” in nuclear energy because they had contained a fusion reaction for about a millionth of a second. I don’t think that is the actual statistic, but it was something about that crazy. Now, they’re hailing nuclear fusion again. I don’t know the particulars, but I’d be willing to bet my left nut that this “breakthrough” is nowhere near coming into fruition as solar energy is. They’ve made great breakthroughs in the efficiency of solar panels. They’re making better electric batteries all the time. I think the vested interests are trying to derail solar energy just when it could make a huge impact on making electric energy cheap and reliable.

Yeah, I don’t think we’ll see it anytime soon either.

Not all science pans out. But it’s better than using war to progress technology like in the past!


They probably already have a functional compact fusion reactor in the hidden world of deep black unacknowledged programs. So-called breakthroughs released in the press is pure manipulation of public opinion.

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I agree. 1515151515.

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You’re right. Some stupendous discoveries and inventions came from war. As horrible as it was, World War II gave us penicillin and other antibiotics. The Napoleonic wars taught us how to preserve food by canning. I’m sure there are a lot of other discoveries that came from war, particularly in the medical field. The development of antibiotics probably saved as many lives as were lost in World War II.

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