Friends in IRL

How many true friends have you?

I like to think i at least have a hand full.

I have one close friend I talk to everyday and 2 regular friends I talk to every few weeks.

I only talk to one irl friend currently. All my other friends have moved, and since I don’t have Facebook any longer, I don’t keep in contact with them.

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None, I don’t like to keep friends. Too often they die.


I have a couple of true friends, but I only see them a couple of times a year. My interactions are mainly with my family.

I have one friend

and desire no more, I happy being alone in this stage of my life

A song about friendship


Yeah ive known a lot of people who killed themselves and i know even more people who talk about suicide all the time. I often wonder how many more people are going to beat me to it.

None at all. They always have an ulterior motive - usually my bloody bank account balance.

Its a shame - cos its made me untrusting and cynical - qualities i hate.

No-one even rings up to see how i am anymore. My mother wont even ring, unless i call her first - and my brothers too caught up in his love life.

Currently 0 friends irl
One dear friend came to my Moms funeral.
We chatted about old times but we don’t keep in touch anymore.
But it was good to see him anyway.

Officially I have had no friends for 8 years in real life…

However, since I have been working more locally, I have been seeing an old friend maybe once per month for the last year.

Last time I thought he felt seeing me was a chore, but I wasn’t feeling very well so was a bit flat that day

I wish one day to have friends, but I am not so sure I can keep up with the demands on my life

Like to keep things as simple as I can these days as not to stress myself too much

Friends can be hard work to keep

im not sure anymore

I have me.

I have my other friend.

My other one.

So that makes 3.

I consider my family siblings my friends too.

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I have like one I would talk about random things when I miss her

I have one actual friend. We’ve known each other since we were little kids.

I consider my brother to be my friend. But he’s family.

And my husband is my best friend. But we’re a couple.

So, just one, actual, IRL friend.

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Literally none


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I am a loner by choice…!!

I have one really good friend, a couple of good friends, and then some friends. I’m also friends with my sister. Everyone knows about my sza.

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