Freezing meat?

I have unopened lamb in the freezer due to be used by tomorrow. I have no problem cooking it, but it’s then cut up for me as I struggle with that. Can I put it the freezer to be cooked on Saturday?

If it is frozen you don’t have to use it right away. Those dates are use or freeze by.


Thanks. I should add that it’s been unopened and in the fridge since last Wednesday.

Oh, you said freezer, so I assumed it a as frozen. You can freeze it now. I will check freeze tines for lamb.

Looks like up to 12 months

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^ Slip up . I meant to write in fridge not freezer. My brain is not firing on all cylinders today Lamb was bought 5 days ago. I think therefore safe to put in freezer. Thanks for the link to the chart. I’ve saved it for future reference.

Beware that if you put it in the freezer close to the expiration date, it will spoil a lot quicker than it normally would.

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How much quicker in terms of days/months?

I’m not really sure. But you should probably plan to use it as soon as possible if it expires tomorrow. We might be talking days and not months. But since it’s meat, when you unfreeze it, you can tell if it’s gone bad just by the smell.

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I 'd be cooking it on Friday or Saturday…

I think it’ll be fine.

It should be fine @firemonkey but next time place the meat in the freezer right away if you don’t plan on using it right away.


Just remember to open the package and air it out a little. If after a while it still smells pretty sour and is slimy, or if it smells rotten, it has gone bad. If the smell goes away, it is fine.


Thanks all of you. I’ve engaged the few brain cells of mine that are working today, and had a closer look at the labelling which says 'freeze before date mark '.

Its optimal not to refreeze but it can be done, we do it occasionally.

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Yes. I would. It probably depends how long it’s been out already. Oh, it’s being refrozen. Technically it should have been cut up before freezing it.

If you’re concerned you could cook the lamb today and then split the cooked lamb into portions and freeze those potions. That way you can just pop each portion in the microwave, sort of like homemade microwave meals.


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