All cats were present at the late afternoon feeding (3rd feeding of the day) There is another cat that comes at dusk and only comes here at that time almost every night and I have never seen it past 5 AM, so it’s a night cat that comes like clockwork. We have just recently been able to pet it.
This is the cat cubby I was talking about, but they have 2 areas they go for shelter where they have pillows or can crawl inside blankets:
Sorry to hear of your loss. I love cats too. I was devastated when we had to put my beloved cat Smokey to sleep due to heart failure and old age - she was 18 years old. That was back in 2006 and I still miss her! I wish I could get another cat but my husband doesn’t want one so no pets for me
Jeez @e_lunaseer, those are some big cats!
Are they part panther?
What do you feed them?
We almost spend more on cats than ourselves every month. We go through 4 16lb bags of dry cat food, and 3 42lb bags of litter a month With 12 (now 11) cats to feed. Thats with 5 (never outside,and all fixed) cats, 1(inside at night/outside by day-his choice) cat, then, (only outside) 1mamma cat with her 5 kittens (in two different litters, and the mamma of the in/out cat too. poor mamma’s worn out!
So I bought a humane trap at a garage sale, trying to figure out how to get the 7 newer ones fixed without ending up broke, it will cost $70 for the females, and $65 for the males,
and this is for the (low cost) shelter in town!
If I “surrender” a cat (meaning give it up to them), it costs $70 + $10 in shots!
Even if it isn’t my cat!
They say they want to reduce the unwanted animal population, but they charge too much to fix the animals- which is the most humane way to prevent unwanted animals in the first place?
I don’t have that kind of money, but I can’t just stop feeding them-and won’t either.
I have a soft spot for any hungry stray cat (or dog) that shows up in my yard, and won’t turn them away, even if I end up one of those crazy cat ladies-HEY!
I already have the label, just need a few dozen more cats.
Check back in a few months and see how many more there are.
This must be devastating for you. Also had my previous pet die in the arms of my mom. She was waiting for my mom to come home and she died in her arms. I know she went to dog heaven. She had a soul of an angel.
I thought they were average size to a little on the larger/healthy bulk side. they were rather lean when we got them, and some were kittens. Actually the visitor cat that comes at night is bigger than any of those. Some of these may still grow more though as they are still young, like 2 of the orange cats that are only 1 year old maybe yet big already.
We must buy at least 4 16 lb bags a month, probably more like 5, plus about once a week they get wet food can treats. They also get juices and broths from cooking fish and chicken and occasional leftovers, so they are a bit spoiled…and they still eat mice, moles, rabbits and squirrels… To my knowledge they havent succeeded in hunting a squirrel themselves but they sure ate the one we road killed by accident. If I see a squirrel get hit and its a fresh kill I will stop and pick it up for the cats…done this a few times over the years.
Yes, of course they are part panther because they are Felines…this however looks like a panther and was probably 2’ long body …very long sleek cat…was one of the Feral cats that came around in 2009 - 2011. I named it ‘panther’ of course…"Night Panther’ was it’s full name
This is the other Feral that came around the same time…he was even bigger than Panther, possibly from his thicker fur…you can almost tell he is Feral…with that ‘don’t mess with me’ look and twitching tail…he actually became a very loving cat, though he lived in the wild…both were attracted here by the females in heat and decided to stay around for them and the food, but they always lived in the woods somewhere…
Thanks everyone for all your kind replies.
We had a little ceremony and put the little guy in our backyard, next to the other special kitty.
May they both be friends and play together happily.
Hope they enjoy the extra special kitty treats and toy I put in with them.
I saw tonight a big possum eating some food on the back porch, and wondered?
The other night a lone racoon ran down the street, it was huge. Usually they travel in packs of no less than 4, more like 6 in the night around here.
While a 'Possum might try to eat a very small kitten they usually leave cats alone and in fact will share the food dish if they want to put up with the hissing and clawing…One night I watched a 'Possum try to crawl into the ball of cats to sleep with them…One cat looked at it, hissed and swatted it in the face…
Now the Raccoon could have easily been the culprit as they will kill kittens and even bigger cats.
No way…I need them all here for Mouse patrol, and the occasional rat, as well as voles, moles, etc…i have not seen a mouse in the house in several months… somehow one of the cats got a mole through 6 inches of snow a few days ago…