I got this from a psychic and it’s called the lion frequency.
It gives you more energy and drive when you use it. The feeling is similar to a cocaine high but it is more natural and safe. I’m schizophrenic and have been using it for a couple years now and found that it has really helped me become more motivated, driven and live a happier life.
To activate it you need to be able to visualize colors and archetypes. You need to visualize a violet diamond about a foot long worn like graduation cap about a half an inch sunken into the top of your head (where your crown chakra is) with the point facing forward. Then standing on top of it and facing forward a golden aleph. Since it wont let me post links here you can use google images to find out what an aleph looks like.
Then you visualize a royal blue dot in the center of the aleph and move your consciousness through it.
Done right within a minute or so you should feel the effects. More sharp, energetic and lightly euphoric. I myself feel a little pressure at the top of my head when I use it.
To take it off simply immerse yourself in the color brown and hold it there for 30 seconds or so. I personally just leave it on.
I can say this has also boosted my sex drive some too.
There are other frequencies I have tried and some made me nuts so I wont give those out but the lion frequency is probably the best one and I feel it is safe to give out to others.
I can’t say much about it other than I believe the Universe has been highly engineered to the point where this stuff exists for certain creatures and can benefit others.