Forum Dream

I had a dream about the forum for the first time last night and it was good, i felt like i was doing good in the dream and making a positive impact, i was respected, i cant remember who else was in the dream but i think @anon94176359 and @everhopeful there may have been more but you know what dream recall is like.

anyway i remember thinking that i’d like to be more like i was in the dream bc it doesnt seem to reflect real life very well atm. I was making progress and having a good influence on people.

p.s. i know this has recently came up but i couldnt find the post for it


Mate. It’s easy to take things the wrong way around here. As Dugal used to say. Faith and schizophrenia aren’t opposed but I , for one, have seen the other end of that…I suspect that is what your getting at.

As always and it took me a long time to learn it. Be civil and supportive. Sometimes being supportive means you are helping someone who has polar opposite beliefs to you…Isn’t that the message we want to put out there? We are all sufferers and we all need support. Doesn’t matter where that support comes from. It matters where it ends and putting forward your thoughts or feelings of living aren’t going to do that for everyone…Life is like that.

Be civil and supportive. We all need to respect that.


i cant remember him saying that but i dont think it applies here anymore as i have seen time and time again, I wish Dugal was still around, he was well respected.

I wasn’t really getting at faith in the dream, it didnt really come up, i just felt respected, i’m not on here much anymore though, i try and write what i can so i guess its ok, i will just try and add that tiny bit of wisdom i have (if you’d call it that) and do what i can.

I’ve been having really good dreams lately

Last night I dreamed I was eating a gigantic marshmallow and when I woke up my pillow was gone.

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too funny


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I had some great dreams today while napping. Some of the best of my life actually. I love it when that happens, it’s so rare.

I’ve had a forum dream once. I don’t remember much about it though. The sad thing is, even though I’m asleep for like an hour at least, I only remember a few minutes out of every dream.

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thats normally the case, they say that the mind is like the iceberg and what we see is just the little bit sticking out of the top of the water, its the larger bit that is most important bc without that then we wouldnt be able to think or dream, feel etc, its basically the library of our life where we check books out occasionally.

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Three nights ago I dreamed someone borrowed my favorite pen and they wouldn’t give it back to me. I checked in the morning and it was there.
The next night I dreamed my phone screen was shattered. When I woke up I saw my phone wS fine.
Not sure what that’s supposed to mean.

Yay! I was in a forum dream !

I dreamed that I was sleeping like a log,
and the next morning,

I woke up in the fireplace.

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I have been dreaming about truth (ervena) and that I know many of the people on the forum in real life, now I am wondering if it is all in my imagination, if indeed there are any real people on here at all or if they are all projections from the sub-ether :frowning:

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I dreamt about how I was having someone tie me up and abuse me.

Then I woke up hallucinating. It was horrible.

I had nightmares last night, about being rejected and hated by everyone, then suddenly, on a train station, a beautiful young ex girlfriend popped out of the dark, she asked me if i wanted to join her for a “nap.”
“Ehh, yes for sure,” i said.
Then, unfortunately, i woke up. But she blew away the nightmares with a secret smile.


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