13:46 - Me: Okay, mum just left the house. I expect she will arrive at 14:08
13:46 - Wife: …
13:48 - Me: Correct me if my prediction was wrong, so I can adjust my algorithm.
14:08 - Wife: Freak.
Yo man have been wondering. Do you think in images?
Not really … it’s more that I just think a lot. As in, 100 deliberate thoughts in the time others have 1 thought. It’s the bi-product of living a life of anxiety. Nowadays, I’m not anxious, but the thought speed continues. It’s a blessing and a curse.
Sometimes, I just jump directly to the answer without knowing how I got there. Particularly with spatial calculations.
You know the ASD stereotype and the link to obsessive immersion into narrow interests? That wasn’t ever enough for me. I would obsess about an interest until becoming a semi-expert, then just develop another obsession. I have such a long list of things that I have been obsessed about over my lifethat I think I just have a really huge repertoire from which to derive my predictions.
That’s interesting dude.
I was similar for a while. Been taking a break from the need for pace. Most of it was just self-critical and analysing how my mind worked.
But yeah fight speacialization. It’s too easy to get good at one thing… And limiting too.
The more fields of knowledge you have access to the more unique insights and connections can be made. Can get you ahead, especially in problem solving.
Your advice is sound and wise. I’ve concluded as much … more times than I can count. I’m just not great at taking advice, especially when I give it to myself lol
The ASD mind is not content with drawing finite boundaries based on probability; it must explore all possibilities, no matter how irrelevant, extreme or improbable. I’m just lucky enough to have a mind capable of keeping up with itself … well for the most part. I might actually be out there contributing to society if that statement were entirely accurate lol
Actually, now that you mention it, when I was massaging others and attaining unexpected positive results, I used imagery to help me. I would visualise the physiological topology as a 3D map in my mind and I would update it on the fly in order to keep track on numerous metrics. Among the more basic of metrics was region specific pain tolerance to different pressures and approach angles etc. I used colours to help categorise too. I try not to think too much into it, because ultimately it is too difficult to discern delusion from reality from that point in time. I honestly don’t know how long I was in psychosis.
I do something similar but I’m not using angles or numbers.
I’m not talking about massaging either lol.
That’s why I only do it with the women I really want to please. Pick up on their patterns and responses. Feel as they feel… Make them feel betta.
I do use images though. Helps me remember spelling and if what I ate earlier and where my crap is.
Kind of happens automatically behind the words at times. Helps with reverse engineering physical systems.
I almost wish I was telepathic because it seems like a good communication device.
Sometimes they come in slanted and jumbled in only a way that I can understand. A mash up of things.
I’m done tuckered out of thing in words.
Brains are interesting man. Part of what led to me developing this illness was wanting to see into other peoples minds. Then all hell broke loose.
Back to the subject of GABA… If it doesn’t pass through the BBB then it is primarily produced in the brain?
Does GABA have an effect on the nervous system in general? Would the relaxed effect be a byproduct of it interacting with the nerves itself?
Yeah. Once my wife discovered that aspect of my abilities … it became a saving grace in spite of my many, many infuriating flaws. lol Now I’m just fluffing my own feathers
THe more examples you provide, the more I realise my original answer should’ve been yes. When I want to find something I have lost or my wife has lost etc. I close my eyes, rewind from the present through all my recent experiences, and pluck the image of its location out. It’s not prophetic - it’s more like semi-photographic memory.
I cannot spell words unless I see them, so I visualise writing them when I am asked how to spell.
Brothers in the struggle, mate.
It does sound a little obtuse, but I like it.
I was calling it photo-generative… Imagination + memory of occurences + ongoing knowledge of what is where.
It’s a fun thing to do. Just bounce around the environent a bit.
But yeah I have many flaws myself. Been working on them.
Met a certain girl and degenerated into an insecure desperate obsessive romantic. What a god damned mess that was. It did balance the topicality of the psychosis though. Probably the only thing that could have.
Yeah, that’s it. It doesn’t need to pass through the BBB because it is synthesised from within by other nutrients that can get in there from the outside. A gross over-simplification, but you nailed it.
The other important thing to note is that if someone has all the symptoms of GABA insuffiiency, it is possible that simply supplying GABA won’t solve the problem. There are thousands of possible kinks in the chain that could be causing that net result. Insufficient GABAergic activity itself is more of a symptom of other more specific problems. The thing that makes GABA particularly interesting to me (other than my own self-interest) is that it has a tug of war kind of role with glutamate, which is a nasty piece of work and underpins a lot of neuropathogenesis.
Regarding GABA and the nervous system. Simple answer: yes.
From wiki:
gamma-Aminobutyric acid (γ-Aminobutyric acid) /ˈɡæmə əˈmiːnoʊbjuːˈtɪrᵻk ˈæsᵻd/ (also called GABA /ˈɡæbə/ for short) is the chief inhibitory neurotransmitter in the mammalian central nervous system. It plays the principal role in reducing neuronal excitability throughout the nervous system. In humans, GABA is also directly responsible for the regulation of muscle tone.[2]
I’ve never really thought about it much, if you can’t tell? Reason being is that it has been my way of life for… ever.
I’m learning a lot from my polar opposite wife (BPD), but insecure, desperate, obsessive-romantic … those are words she’d LOVE to be able to describe me as. I’m getting better at putting my feelings into words outside of cliches, but yeah …
I’ve actually just started exercising so that’s an intersimg thing to read about muscle tone at the end there.
Regarding muscle tone, think in terms of contractions rather than in terms of muscle mass. Not sure where you were at with that statement, but I’ve probably just stated the obvious.
The fact that I feel like I’m always “flexing” is just another of the many reasons why I started looking into GABA dysfuction as a problem in my own neurophysiology - and it is also why people take Baclofen, which (you may have seen my other thread?) is prescribed to relieve muscle tension/aches.
Edit: Baclofen is a GABA agonist. Probably a pretty important detail to include lol
Muscle operation then.
The word tone implies physique.
Makes more sense though. My mind wants to assume that it would have a relaxing effect if gaba does resolve tension.
Good its being put to some real use beyond inducing a placebo effect.
The medical world likes to have its own rules for words:
tone [tōn] 1. normal degree of vigor and tension; in muscle, the resistance to passive elongation or stretch; tonus.
The normal state of elastic tension or partial contraction in resting muscles.
It’s also used to describe the degree of an effect along a spectrum in other medical systems. I only realised in hindsight after copy-pasting from wiki that it would lead to confusion lol
Your mind wants to assume what is correct
If it is not crossing the BBB, it is still asserting effects via other mechanisms - it’s just not able to be marketed as a nootropic. I doubt what you are experiencing is placebo and if it is, then who cares Results are results!
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