For those who meditate? what is the goal?

I don’t know why, for some strange reason, im thinking I should start meditating each day. maybe 30 minutes in the morning or the evening. actually before bed would probably be most convenient for me.

but anyways, I don’t know what im doing, of course i’ll purchase a couple books. but I guess right now, I would just try to clear my mind and have a peaceful relaxing session that would transistion to a good sleep.

for those who meditate. what are your goals or reasons for meditating? I know a few members have mentioned it, just curious.

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My goals are simply all of the many benefits of meditating: the calming of my mood, better cognition, better sleep, lower weight, pain relief, improvement in my piano playing, and peace and tranquility of my mind.

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I have been meditating every day for the last three and a half years.

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do you have a set time each day? or does it vary?

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It varies widely. Very few things in my life are scheduled.

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