For those that work, how are you guys getting your rent paid self isolating? What’s been the plan for that
My teaching job went online for the remainder of the semester, so I’ll have pay to the end of semester. I’m nervous about what happens for the next semester. I was all set to teach plenty of hours for the first seven weeks, make good money, and be moved out of my buddy’s basement.
But now there is no guarantee there will be any classes for me to teach in the summer.
My other job is midnights in a gas station, which makes me nervous, all the people I will have to interact with in close proximity. Two 9 hr shifts/week.
I had to file for unemployment today due to the virus. I’m hoping it gets approved that way I can pay my rent
I refuse to self isolate until the company tells me to do so. If they force me to do it, I’ll get partial pay. If I do it on my own accord, I get nothing.
I work from home so there’s no need to self-isolate. I’m already staying at home due to being immunocompromised/not-so-good respiratory system.
We have the option to telework but so far can still go into the office. I worked from home about half the week. Still getting paid a full paycheck.
I have about 70 hours of sick leave and 40 hours of annual leave if I need it.
I just started my landscaping business and I will be able to work if I can still source materials.
I am reliant on builders merchants remaining open for me to work.
If they shut I am screwed financially
I have modest saving but that won’t last forever and I really would prefer to keep that as a safety net
I’m still working at the funeral home. Those that die from corvid19 will be taken to another facility to be properly prepped and that’s all I’ve heard. I’m worried we’ll get a infectious dead one.
I live with family but I don’t know whats the situation about going back to work… i still waiting for manager to tell me whether i can work from home or not. I work zero hours so i might be screwed in terms of getting any money
They decided to close the yoga studio I work at for 4-6 months, basically until this whole thing hopefully blows over.
Until then, the owner of the studio recommended I file for unemployment in the meantime.
Luckily I live at home at the moment, so I can just use savings for necessities like groceries and stuff.
There is high demand for alcoholic beverages so therefore the warehouse remains operating. Lots of overtime due to the increased volume meaning more income for me. I still drive to work and contracting the virus hasn’t been a problem at my workplace.
I do phonebanking, so they just sent me home with laptop. My boss still manages to be an overbearing control freak via text messages though. Gig ends April …I did have a job lined up doing census work, but they cancelled my background check bcuz of Corona virus. City is all shelter in place now. Worried bout future. Thinking of gigs etc I can do to get income, low on ideas.
Hey @HQuinn, nice to hear from you, though sorry to hear about your circumstances.
Thx!! Lol, I been out there in normie land, bit worse from wear. I have two cats who soothe me tho, so I’m feeling ok glad to see you’re teaching still!! I hope you get more online classes!
Nice to hear from you @HQuinn. Is there any chance your current job might get extended?
Current one, no. Tbh my boss is a military yelly swearing type that stresses me out, even just thru text. Census might get postponed, but I can’t get unemployment I think bcuz I was officially hired after background check and the offices are shut down.
Might just lose weight and find alternative job again. Last time I applied to ssd the Dr mocked and laughed at me, ignored the giant medical record file in front of her, and told me I’m not mentally ill…despite dozens of involuntary holds, and $$$ pills the city paid for. I’m still shook from her and I don’t want to go thru it again. Tried to file grievance and was told “everybody files complaints” like I’m making up stuff
Wish I could get ssd tho. I struggle in workplaces with aggressive personalities and have issues sitting still. Edit: with others who have aggressive personalities, I’m pretty smiley
Is the census job actually going out to collect census input or is it some sort of online data analytics? I submitted my census input online this year (I’m in CA).
The one i got hired for was door-to-door, they made sure I had a car and insurance and told me I’d be working in my own zipcode. That is a good idea, though, maybe I can email someone in HR and ask for potential position swap? Thank you!!
Yeah, if you’re good with computers, maybe see if you can find a job you could do from home.
plenty of remote jobs. i’ve applied for a data entry and writing job.