For the military peeps

Just a heads up for my military buddies, if they have Tricare Select. :cow::cow::cow:


Just a shameless bump as I think this is important. :lizard::lizard::lizard:


Sorry. I just have family and friends in the military. Never served, but thought about it when I was 19. Probably my sexual orientation was the problem. My Dad was a Private in the Army.


Thanks for the heads up @GrayBear!

@TomCat and @anon16583342 might want to see this, too.



I think @anon10627598 as well. :eagle::eagle::eagle:


No problem @Montezuma . Glad to help. :cat::cat::cat:

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Nobody ever called me.

Thanks for posting this. I have Tricare for Life and Medicare is the primary but my wife only has Tricare. We both use the prescription plan. It’s so much better than Medicare.

I will call Monday.


I have Tricare for life as well. Why do you have to call? :duck::duck::duck:

It says you have to give them a credit card number or set up an allotment every month so you don’t lose your coverage. My wife uses Tricare Select.

I went back to work so my Medicare will expire eventually and I have to sign up for Tricare select again when that happens.

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Can’t you get your wife onto your Tricare for life? When your Medicare expires can’t you go back to Tricare for life? :cat::cat::cat:

As far as I knew, the new enrollment fees didn’t effect Tricare for life. :cow::cow::cow:

If you aren’t disabled you get Tricare for Life when you turn 65 and enroll in Medicare.

We are both 50 so she will be on Tricare Select for another 15 years.

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I am 100% disabled and am currently on Tricare for life. :dog::dog::dog:

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So you have Tricare for life, but your wife can’t get covered by it? :panda_face::panda_face::panda_face:

No. My wife can’t get it until she is 65. I will lose my Medicare in a few years and will have to go back on Tricare select as well.

I went off of SSDi almost 2 years ago. I think I get to keep it for 96 months. I am 100% disabled with the VA also but I went back to work.

I can get insurance through my new job but it’s much more expensive than Tricare. I want to keep Tricare.

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Was your wife in the military as well? :lizard::lizard::lizard:

No. My wife wasn’t in the military. My father in law was though.


So I am confused. Why does your wife only get Tricare Select, if you have Tricare for life? I have Tricare for life and my wife and kids are covered under that. :bear::bear::bear:

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