For the first time, Steven Spielberg won't direct an Indiana Jones film,

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I’ve never seen the original movie.
I’m not a Harrison Ford fan.


There are four Indiana Jones films? :open_mouth:

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I have them all…let me go count them. there are five of them…

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You might have miscounted. There’s only 4. The new one will be the fifth.

yes !! I just looked to see my error…I counted the “bonus material” disc as one of the movies !! so sorry.

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Who would win in a fight between Indiana Jones and Han Solo?


This guy would probably lose.


When you first watched blade runner did you figure out he was a cyborg too?

No I didn’t ! I was shocked when I first heard the theory. Great film.

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I didn’t even know there was a fourth Indiana Jones.

Have I been living in a cave???



No I didn’t figure it out either. The key apparently is the origami horse the Asian policeman makes at the end. The same horse that rick has in his implanted dreams




That’s true! But in the original-orignal movie that I saw you don’t see the dream sequence. It was only in the directors cut that that dream scene was added.

But I’m so thick I probably still wouldn’t have picked it up :joy:

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Did a new Star Wars movie come out last year or was it just the baby yoda series on Disney plus? The Mandalorian I think it was.

Man I have only seen the director s cut and I still didn’t figure it out lol

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Both happened. There was a new star wars movie and the mandalorian on disney+ had baby yoda.

I’m a star wars fan but didn’t go to see the movie. And I’m not going to see it either.

I am going to have to watch the movie when it comes out on demand. I looked it up. The Rise of Skywalker. I didn’t hear about it hitting theaters.

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I’m a huge Harrison Ford fan, but I didn’t much care for the last Indiana Jones movie. I’ll watch it when it comes out on demand, but I wont go to the theater to see it unless someone else really wants to.

I am going to see the Call of the Wild tomorrow. Its one of my favorite stories and it has Harrison Ford. I am a little disappointed that it has CGI animals, but I wont let it ruin the movie for me. Its supposedly more child friendly than the original story or its various media adaptions, so that’s a plus. I’m not in the mood to see dead dogs right now, having lost mine last week. I’ve heard this movie is going to steer clear of the darker parts of the book.


It was so bad. There are so many things the film doesn’t do right. It feels like a computer generated the script.