For me being rich is;

  1. fluffy towels
  2. 3 ply toilet paper…:toilet: " AARRhhhhhhh !?! ".
  3. food in the fridge :house_with_garden:
  4. hot water :shower:
  5. fresh coffee beans :coffee:
  6. a view of nature :deciduous_tree: :bird: :cat: :dog: :bear: :hamster: :mouse:

what is ’ rich ’ for you ? :moneybag:

take care :alien:


It would be helpful if people didn’t try to make delusions reality but it’s been going on since the dawn of time I guess.

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Noticed this for a long time, just would rather die than, well yeah.

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For me, being rich is winning big on the lottery. Sorry! :smile: but failing that, just some peace and quiet.


being rich for me is being able to feel other peoples feelings and suffer with them

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Yeah I don’t like gambling much. I would keep winning, but it didn’t matter because at a casino it’s like–money is just thrown around ya know. It deducts from the actual value of the asset/de-values money if it’s just thrown around. I wouldn’t mind a powerball win but I would still prefer to be rich this way: ok I want a successful career so if I have an income that can support me/house/car etc. that is rich enough, and for a career that makes me feel productive. I’m considering these: nurse RN, psychologist, pre-K teacher, or something to do with science. I used to be great at science but I want to do like, alternative or re-newable energy stuff but that will take some time and dedication. My real passion might be as a nurse or teacher however. I could attend my home-town school it’s the best for both teaching and nursing degrees. I finished the FAFSA so college here I come!! I think I qualify for another pell grant, this time I wont give up or withdraw early, and I really miss college!! I need two years for B.A. then I might be 27 now but it’s never too late to fulfill a goal and work hard.

Is it strange that if I won 5 million I’d just go to sleep for a while? :slight_smile:

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All that except the ‘nature’ part. Unless it’s dead and grilled, in my fridge, or it’s been turned into a chair I don’t want it around me.

My cat is except from all this of course. Cats aren’t nature. They’re too elegant.

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