Smokies, baby potatoes and maple beans.
What’s on your plate??
The beans look good!
I’m about to head out to pick up some nashville hot tenders from KFC. I rarely choose KFC on my eating-out-days but I want something a little different tonight.
15 taco characters
Had a coiuple of soft tacos for supper. Having a mango smoothie as my evening snack.
That looks so Yummy!
Looks delicious. I love some good beans.
you always have the best food @fatmama ! your family must be well fed
looks really tasty… i had rice and vegies with soy sprouts and curry sauce…
has some cury daal yesterday it was pretty good
Tonight for dinner I’m having a jalapeño refried bean taco.
You’ve inspired me @FatMama!
Tonight I’m having baked beans and hot dogs!
looks so good…to bad i cant have it cause hotdogs have gluten lol frank and beans…the ultimate “i need to go grocery shopping” meal
or when you want a quick delicious meal
Oatmeal can be so good when you add a lot of stuff lol it’s got banana strawberry berries peanut protein powder and sugar
That looks good I love sausages
I think my homeland Germany is even famous for sausages
everyone knows german sausages are the best
I am all about tacos. Tacos with saurkraut, kimchi, veggies, corn, yum! I recently read the Dental Diet by Steven Lin and have been trying to consciously eat according to that more. Loads of veggies, fermented foods at each meal, liver, cod liver oil, bone broth can combat cavities and remineralize teeth over the process of eating like this over a year. I stopped drinking soda and have been trying to follow the tooth diet to a degree for one month – and my teeth are happier!
Don’t ask me what the pan of oatmeal is was trying to make some kind of bread or something lol came out bad
Does it taste good?
I didn’t eat much today. Not too hangry foe sum reason.
super good, sausages were inspired by your post i guess haha