Follow people?

Don’t you think it’d be cool to follow people and get updates from them?


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discourse doesn’t allow that…

sorry kid.

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yeah I didn’t know bookmark worked like that =)

Anyway it’s cool =)

I sincerely think that following people and being followed are not good ideas.

Why? Not to follow people: Even famous people are just humans who make mistakes like us.
Not to be followed: We are happier when being followed, but what if one day it becomes unfollowed?

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I don’t mine the ladies following me :stuck_out_tongue:


I wouldn’t mind people following me on here :). It would make me feel special … and then I’d feel even more special when they quit following me lol.


I wanted the Follows to be anonymous, so people would not know who or how many people are following them, and vice versa

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Maybe like RSS feed ? Only when they create a topic you’d get a notification?

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I set up a facebook for my business to boost the google ranking, no one followed it, think we worry to much about that sort of thing, not many really care what were doing


There are paid services to buy Facebook followers, and you have the options to choose machine or human as the follower. Doesn’t it sound terrible?


Depends on the business too you know. I have around 500 organic likes on fb business page and lotsa insta followers but you are right. When i look at the insights - 90% see my post but do not press like anyway!

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it sounds terrible for the human follower. lol lol

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I think people might get paranoid with that feature.


Plus then it becomes a popularity contest that I actively avoid…no fb no twitter no instagram…there’s plenty of popularity platforms you can freely use…but I would probably leave if it started here…

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Whatever do you mean?


If the point of following someone is so you can see their posts…its kind of indirectly asking for a separate feed or tab that shows only the people you follows posts…then we are doomed to a popularity contest…whether we want to play or not…this is the problem with social media… But on the other hand we could monitize…lol…
This post brought to you by dales sauce…its delicious…

It was such a thought I had - didn’t even think it through.

Following is good I guess if say two people agree to follow their stuff, but random people following could be bad

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