Flying to Istanbul for MRI on Monday or Tuesday

I have thought of that.

bobbilly this sounds like a deeply held delusional belief, what happens when they can’t detect something?

Are you going to trust the doctors?

Will you accept that you are being paranoid?

I don’t accept I’m paranoid because I’m not paranoid. I’m down as having SZA but that because they gave me that label to take my credibility away.

No one is interested in the boring life of a sza.

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Are you taking your meds as prescribed or you reduced your dose?

Please save yourself the trouble. You’re not going to get the outcome you’re looking for.

Bobbilly do you know, that you can have physical sensations as hallucinations?

I’ve felt throbbing blood in my legs and then I had my psychotic break, I went to the doctors thinking I was having a heart attack.

I have schizophrenia, its just what it was. There’s no harm in accepting being schizophrenic. The label isn’t that bad, your interactions with people will still be the same, if you really think the someone’s implanted you in the armpits when and why did this belief occur?

I hope the hospitals in Turkey are ok, and you have travel insurance declaring your mental illness.

Very bad idea you have there.

I ended up in France before, and I realised once I got there that I needed help as I thought I was going to be murdered.

Luckily I had 3% battery and got hold of a family member who came and got me.

I had ÂŁ3000 in cash on me

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You’re going to spend a bunch of money to have scans done that you won’t be happy with. Five minutes after they come back clear you’ll convince yourself that the scanner was broken, or that the chips were undetectable, or that someone switched the scans, etc. Either you start dealing with this now by ignoring it or you’re just going to make yourself worse. Oh, and you’ll be broke as well, so enjoy that on top of everything else.


I desperately wish I could help him, but I know that when you’re delusional its really hard to trust anything telling you otherwise. I wish you give yourself as much room for error as possible and that you are taken care of.

My best of wishes please tell your family whats going on maybe they can break through to you.

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Me I was stuck in Germany until my parents came from Canada to get me. I nearly got arrested, I had a fine there, police felt I was mentally ill. I went to Germany thinking I am the next Hitler, I wasted over 15 000$ there in hotels, restaurents, electronics, etc

Emailed them back… Hope they believe my email.

Hello insert name

Thank you for your prompt response.

I have some concerns about a lump in my left armpit which I have had for 2 months. I have approached my GP and she said she can’t feel anything there. She does not think I have anything to worry about. I have become anxious as I have a family history of cancer in my family My father was treated for Hodgkin Lymphoma some years ago. I would like MRI scan to ease anxieties and if anything is found can move forward with treatment here in the U.K. Primarily having the scan done is to my ease anxious.

Kind regards

bobbilly, you need travelers insurance, please invest in it.

You can’t lie, they will find out and there will be bad permanent consequences. I guess you need to learn it the hard way and suffer, so be it.

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I was speaking to my community nurse about having a MRI test yesterday and going to India. He said why don’t I ask the NHS to do one. If he was a real nurse he would know the NHS wouldn’t give me one as they say it would feed into the delusion. That’s why I KNOW he isn’t a real nurse but a secret agent, A real nurse wouldn’t say that. I told him that too.

It’s hard to get MRI scan in Turkey, they asking loads of questions… Why would the NHS do it?

You are lying to them.
Just call your doctor and get the help you desperately need.

I can’t get travel insurance because I have a mental illness apprenently.

I told them everything.

Call 911 and go to mental hospital ASAP

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that’s a big dramatic.