Fish are friends not food


im vegan…its going great…join the club!!


Sounds like a cool club. I was a vegetarian for a couple of months. I’m not strict enough to be a vegan.

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Didn’t Nirvana say it’s okay to eat fish because they don’t have any feelings ! Lol


I’ve heard fish don’t feel pain or something. Don’t really remember. Not sure how true it is.


I like halibut and smoked fish. I’m not a huge meatatarian but sometimes i like it.

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The guys took me fishing a couple days ago but I got sad and didn’t fish because I didn’t want to hurt them or interrupt them. I did sit and watch the catch flies of the top of the water. They are so quick. It took me awhile to realize if you want to catch a fish in the act of getting a bug you have to watch the bug not the fish, that’s how fast the fish are. It was fascinating. I’m so weird.

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LMAO I’m EAT tHat Fishh

Omega 3 what i need Yoo

Salmon Tout Tuna All the same to me

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Chicken of the sea.

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Sorry @TheBest I had 3 medium sized tilapia? (Too lazy to go to the freezer and check what type lol) on the George Foreman grill and topped with juicy limes squeezed on top :yum: and had about 30 peices of sushi on Sunday lol.

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“Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and the ba*tard will deplete the ocean in nothing flat.”


I love fish. Its just so yummy. Salmon poached.
Yum yum.

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Yeah but sharks, tuna and a few other ocean species are seriously depleted because of over-fishing.

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I’m dying over here because of PETAs Sea Kitten thing.

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