"First World" Complaint

So - im recovering from a really crappy series of psychotic episodes at the moment (honestly - no shite) - and upped my drugs cos of it.

But - ive been seriously relying on audible at the moment with books too take my mind off things - even plugging the echo into a bluetooth transmitter so i can listen to them in bed with headphones. (It seriously helps with the voices folks…)

But ive run out of books. So… I have rung up Audible customer services asking for more free credits. I explained im using the audiobooks for therapy for my Schizphrenia (no sh!t) .

So i now have 4 credits. And a three month subscription at 4 pounds a month (Half price).@D

Seriously - if you wanna learn - but cant read crap cos of your Sz - Try listenening to books instead. Whilst your blocking out the voices - your learning something.


Sorry - Probably having a conversation with myself - but this is a wonderful book to get.


I do recommend it. The comparisons you will make are funny and true.

Im into the “Self-Help” Genre.


I used to use audible. But I just ran out of interesting topics to listen to. It’s a good service.

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I use audible! I love it! I also use the audiobook downloadign service from ym local library. Yours might have one, too. They have loads of audiobooks, and you can keep them for three weeks, and then they just automatically delete from your device. So you never have to worry about a late fee.

I listen to theoretical astrophysics, science fiction, and comedy.





Michio Kaiku makes it really accessible for the masses. He had a show for a while, and it was basically just him expanding on the topics of his books, with visual aids.

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Yeah - after conning them out of free credits - my original complaint was that the free content like Audio-shows dont stream to your echo device - only the books you paid for. you have to listen to them on your pc.

Might have to try astrophysics next - I have Stephen Hawkins - Brief History of time on my wishlist.

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I don’t like Stephen Hawking. I think he writes in that typical academic pretentious manner of using unnecessarily complicated words to describe basic things. I don’t think he does it on purpose. I think that’s just how his brain works.


I dont pretend to be an intallectual. Im just trying to improve my mind with books ive never been able to read before whilst resting from the world. Im really enjoying the fad of audiobooks at the moment - it helps me distract. Still in two minds about Stephen Hawking. Maybe ill stick to the science fiction.


Brilliant brilliant idea
I’ve been listening to AA podcasts
And relaxation
That’s it so far
Books to learn languages feel Daunting but I’m through with self help books
I’ll find a genre

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