First psychotic break

After your first psychotic break did your delusions/hallucinations get progressively worse?

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the positive symptoms of most schizophrenics get better with time, if they take their meds. if they dont take their meds, they usually get worse.

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All my delusions went away. After meds. Except I don’t know about what happens when I die. I think we all just die and disappear. Except for in our memories in some cases. Well I used to feel a presence but I think she’s just a strong memory. But I went on her Facebook the other day and now her presence is fading.

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No, it was in control after antipsychotic injections and olanzapine tablets.

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After the first break it came and went unregulary, l have been in and out of asylums my whole adult life. Been high on myself and laughing and crying all by myself, though at the time it felt like the whole world is watching. My parents have been there for me at my beck and call, bless their heart on this journey we call life. After 16 years of schizo l am stable, although l still hear voices time to time.

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