It went fine. It was physical, but not as bad as it could’ve been. The boss did not put me in the worst area (where my friend works) like I thought he would; he put me in a shop instead. So it won’t be the back-breaking job I thought it would be.
I started at 7 today, first hour and a half was orientation, but starting tomorrow I will be working 6-3:30 on weekdays and 6-11:30 on Saturdays (Sundays off). So, I’ll be getting 50.5 hrs/wk, nice 10.5 hrs of overtime there. Will make for a decent paycheck.
The guy who is training me is super nice, cool guy. He’s into metal, too. We have a radio back there, listen to morning talk radio, then rock/metal music.
The sorest thing on me is not my back, but rather my feet, from wearing those steel toe boots.
We make molds for car seats. Not baby car seats, I mean the seats in cars. I take the rough mold and use a chipper, grinder and sander to smooth out rough parts of the metal, remove nails, screws and other stuff, then sandblast it.
Not really lol, but at least it’s not as repetitive as a factory assembly line. The sandblasting was kinda fun in a way, though cumbersome with the helmet/mask thing I have to wear to do it.
hmmm…I have trouble thinking and other things. I don’t think this job would be for me…im still trying to figure out a job that would fit me and that I can somewhat push through. i think “sign holder” (if that’s even the position name) would fit me. i cant seem to locate local positions though. anybody have any suggestions? my main problem is thinking…which leads to other things…concentration/perception/timing/ almost no emotions/ sometimes inconsistent sleeping patterns.
Physical work is great for me. I love the challenge and working with my hands etc. It’s tough but worthwhile. It’s not brain intensive and you can zone out…do your job and listen to metal??? That is cool my friend. I wish I could have listened to metal over those crap, local top 40 stations!