I see a lot people who were posters here are missing for sometimes,You could page some…
@Jonnybegood @anon39736208 @Catch22 @…
@metime @anon80629714 … ?
@Theclayzee can surprise us with paintings!
There was a guy that was here for a very brief time and he had his own thread. I think he only posted there and no where else. He was an artist and posted a lot of his art, which is why I remember. I think maybe he was Spanish?
But he was gone not too soon after he showed up.
@Loke do you remember who I mean?
Now that you mention it I remember too, but forgot the name., Gamera
Yeah. I remember but I can’t remember his name
@insidetheheartmachine and mike sth,guy with the pic in sixties
Hey @anon22846033 I hope you’re doing well!
Hi friend,how it’s be going?We talked before corona uhh
Found it @Loke @anon83141956
His name was @Emiliano
It doesn’t even ring a bell. But yes I do remember there was a guy who was posting art in his threads. And it was nice
I was trying to link to thread, but I don’t know how on my phone.
Edit: thanks @Raelyn_Fenn - I figured it out.
Press down on word and drag across. Then press quote next to it
Yeah. It was Emiliano. There was a guy too @far_cry0. Y’all remember him?
Who can’t remember him haha. He’s awesome, @far_cry0
Yeah he was very active when I joined the forum.
@wayward … i think its schizomaticly
@anon54988740 ,are you Mike with your pic in sixties?