Finally taking Beta Alanine

Experiment is over.

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Experiment is back on.

Basically it got rid of my anxiety completely. So I’m going to try to find out some way of making it work.


The taste is similiar to Sarcosine, it’s sweet and sugary.

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The heavy sedation and cognitive hit seem to be much less today. It still seems to be keeping anxiety at bay. Maybe my body is getting used to it. It’s been 9-10 days since I first started using it.

I’m taking only 400mg L-theanine(2 x 200mg) a day now. Down from 1200mg (2 x 600mg). I find 200mg L-theanine helps cognitively so will continue to take that.

I just hope I don’t become tolerant to the anti anxiety effects of it now and it stops working.

But so far it’s actually working out. I’m glad I didn’t stop taking it.


How is the interaction between beta alanine and l theanine? I’m thinking of pairing the two together.

I read about L Theanine and how it works, but the problem is once I take I have major anxiety later on. I’m thinking the beta alanine will tone down the anxiety from it.

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I’m only taking 200mg of L-theanine at noon with coffee and beta alanine and another 200mg at 6pm without coffee. I felt great today until around 6pm when I felt quite sedated.

I tried going without any L-theanine and that was a disaster for me.

100mg L-theanine does nothing for me though.

Edit: I’m only taking 1600mg of beta alanine a day. At noon.

Good to hear it’s working for you.

I’m going to try 100mg of L Theanine (I can only tolerate that amount, any higher and I start having anxiety when it wears off) tomorrow with the beta - alanine.


For 1600mg (taken at noon)

Pros :

  • Sleep quality has improved. Once I fall asleep I’m knocked out for the night.
  • No anxiety whatsoever all day long
  • I don’t feel bitter anymore. I was turning into a bitter old man. So it’s made me a better person lol.

Cons :

  • Feel sedated for most of the day.
  • Cognitive dulling
  • Feel a little bit “flat”
  • (very) mild heart palpitations at the start which seem to have gone away now

Good going … pros are a lot more positive… cons are very less… enjoy ur day man…

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Beta alanine seems to last long in your system. I took it at 10 o clock this morning and its been 10 hours and I still feel the effects.


The feeling of being “a little bit flat” seems to have gone away since I started taking taurine. I’m taking taurine at 6pm and beta alanine at noon. You’re not supposed to take beta alanine and taurine at the same time of day.

Also the feeling of sedation seems to get less with time. I just hope I’m not becoming tolerant to it and it stops working.

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Just a little update, I’m having rebound anxiety after not taking it for 2 days. These past 2 days I’ve been sweating and shaking. I had to take a benzo to chill out. I’m not sure how long it’s going to last but I’ll post when it goes away.

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How long had you been taking it ?

I took it for 3 days, 2g at noon just like you. I felt great and everything but I wanted to see what happens when it wore off. I started having bad anxiety. I really hope it goes away because I’ve been using benzo’s to counter the effects and I don’t want to fall back into the habit.

The thing is my body is VERY sensitive to dopamine, which is one of the chemicals that beta alanine releases.

Just wanted to give a heads up on my experiment.

My face blushes and I still get tingling and parethesia which is countered by cogetin.

I’m worried now and I hope it ends soon.

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Oh gawd. Still, that’s good to know.

But I was in a similar situation with whatever I took. I would get withdrawal from L-theanine if I didn’t taper off it. I had to really slowly (months) taper off benzos.

So I’m not surprised this is any different. But 3 days… Geez.

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We’re all different so my body might just be very sensitive to it.

Just letting y’all know how it goes.

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Keep us updated …

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I recommended this to @anon20613941 so he should be aware of this I guess.

I might have found the culprit.

Beta Alanine has histidine dipeptides which turn into histamine. Histamine has been shown to increase anxiety.

Interesting, I wonder if this is why they sometimes prescribe anti histamines (like vistaril) for anxiety.